Lean Marketing House – 28 Day Program

These webinars will discuss utilizing the Lean Marketing House Concept and how to apply Continuous Improvement to your marketing process. Each Participant will receive the E-Books Lean Marketing House, Marketing with PDCA, Marketing with A3 Business901 will introduce Lean Marketing Concepts in a rather unique way. You will receive a download link to each webinar Read More …

Can you be Lucky by Design?

Beth Goldstein, Founder and CEO is an author, consultant, trainer and founder of Marketing Edge Consulting Group, she has empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs to successfully grow their companies.  We discussed her newest book, Lucky By Design: Creating Real Opportunities that Empower Your Business coming out this fall. Beth‘s special talents is helping companies gain an Read More …

Marketing with PDCA

Marketing with PDCA is about managing a value stream using PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). Using the new SALES PDCA Framework throughout the marketing cycle will provide constant feedback from customers, and can only occur if they are part of the process. It is about creating value in your marketing that a customer needs to enable him to Read More …

Managing your Lean Marketing Team in a Sales PDCA Cycle

In a previous post, I discussed the SALES PDCA Framework for Lean Sales and Marketing Teams. Within the actual PDCA stage the sales team is empowered to make their own choices and determine their own direction to accomplish the goals of that cycle. This framework is introduced in the book, Marketing with PDCA . During Read More …

What will your workplace be like in 2020

Jeanne Meister, co-author of The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow’s Employees Today discusses how online technologies and the advent of digital and social media are changing the ways in which companies source talent, customize employee development, and promote agile leadership. In this video Jeanne connects 2020 with TODAY! The 2020 Read More …

If cost is equal would you experiment or analyze, acquire or retain?

In Arie Goldshlager’s posterous he says,  I found the following interview with MIT Sloan Management Review, Michael Schrage on Value-Creation, Experiments and Why IT does Matter very instructive. Note particularly: “The cost of experimentation is now the same or less than the cost of analysis. You can get more value for time, more value for dollar, Read More …