Alan Shalloway discusses the state of Agile!, part 1 of 3

Alan is an industry thought leader in Lean, Kanban, product portfolio management, Scrum and agile design. He helps companies transition to Lean and Agile methods enterprise-wide as well teaches courses in these areas. He is the founder and CEO of Net Objectives and also can be found on twitter @alshalloway. Alan is the primary author Read More …

Systemizing the transfer of knowledge at the execution level

This is part of my blog series on using the principles of Demand Drive MRP and its five primary components. I would recommend reading the blog posts in order for better understanding: Is Orlicky’s MRP relevant today? Think DDMRP What Sales and Marketing can learn from Demand Driven Manufacturing Positioning your organization to learn from Read More …

Lean Marketing House – 28 Day Program

These webinars will discuss utilizing the Lean Marketing House Concept and how to apply Continuous Improvement to your sales and marketing process. I am offering from August 25th thru the 28th, a 25% discount on the next session. That session will start on September 8th.  Each Participant will receive the E-Books: Lean Marketing House, Marketing Read More …

Improvement Sales and Marketing Toolset

It’s tough to implement a philosophy. Most of us whether we care to admit it or not were introduced to Lean, Six Sigma and even Design Thinking through a set of tools. I have written two posts on this subject, a guest blog post on Tim McMahon’s Lean Journey blog titled, Lean Sales and Marketing Read More …

Lean Sales and Marketing Cycles are Knowledge Building Tactics

When you discuss Lean Sales and Marketing, PDCA Cycles and how Continuous Improvement can be used; people jump to a couple of basic conclusions. When you throw in additional words like quality, effectiveness and efficiencies they dig deeper and more often than not forget to take a ladder with them. Many of my writings even Read More …

The New Names of Marketing are still PDCA

There is a changing emphasis on customer interaction and the importance of embracing uncertainty in your organization. In an interview in the MIT Sloan Management Review with Michael Schrage on Value-Creation, Experiments and Why IT does Matter, he stated: “The cost of experimentation is now the same or less than the cost of analysis. You Read More …