Digging deeper with User Stories

The INVEST acronym from the User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development book by Mike Cohn I think serves as a good guideline for defining User Stories. The following is from Doug Seven’s take on INVEST. INVEST stands for Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimatable, Small and Testable. Independent: The story should not carry with it dependencies, Read More …

Implementing Lean

Lonnie Wilson, the owner and principal of Quality Consultants is an expert in Lean Manufacturing techniques and applications. He not only instructs management professionals in the applications of these lean techniques; he is an on-the-floor-implementation professional. His new book, How To Implement Lean Manufacturing, was released by McGraw Hill, August 2009. He is well versed Read More …

Use Stories to explain Marketing Efforts

`In Scrum, work is expressed in the backlog as user stories. A team may write its user stories in a number of ways as long as they are written from the perspective of the end user. Put another way, team members are encouraged to think of their work from the perspective of who will use Read More …

Why are we doing this?

Do you ask this question before your start a marketing campaign or project? Sometimes it is really hard to come up with a number or a goal, but should we not try before doing it? I hear more people discussing why you should not measure things rather than why you should. But I think it Read More …

Kanban, A Great Organizational Idea

I have been using Scrum and Kanban for a while now and have been finding them very useful. In fact, I like it so much that I am even practicing it on a personal level. Where I picked up the idea of Personal Kanban is from Jim Benson, an Expert in Personal Kanban. He states Read More …

Utilizing the Theory of Constraints

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr Lisa Lang on the Business901 Podcast. She is considered the foremost expert in the world in applying Theory of Constraints to Marketing and currently the President of the Science of Business. She recently served as the Global Marketing Director for Dr Goldratt who is the father of Theory Read More …