How Adaptable is Your Supply Chain?

Lean for many years has promoted the idea of a flow-based system tied to actual demand and TOC has helped solve other associated problems with Drum-Buffer-Rope. Both of these systems offer flow-based thinking which I believe is a current minimum requirement over the cost-based systems of the past. However, they both start breaking down when Read More …

Laying the Foundation for the New Norm in Supply Chain Thinking

This is a great offer, even as a refresher if you are dealing in the supply chain field. I think preparing for a “New Norm” in Supply Chain Management should be at the forefront of our thinking right now. I can’t think of a better foundation than these courses. If you want to work with Read More …

How Can You Spread Tacit Knowledge in Virtual Settings?

One of the areas their people forget about when they go virtually is the amount of knowledge that is spread informally within an organization. One of the best descriptions I think of is to look at your virtual meetings from a writer’s perspective; first, second, and third-person points of view. Your meeting notes are generated Read More …

Onboarding Freelancers LinkedIn Group

The Expanding Use of Freelancers As Part of Your Strategy: In the past, we only thought of Freelancers as people to carry out specific time-based tasks – an outside vendor. Or, someone that could do it off-shore at a lower cost. As the use of Freelancers proliferate across organizational departments new ways of thinking are Read More …

Why I Quit Using PDCA

In the Sales and Marketing arena, we are exploring new propositions and environments as the main thrusts of our activity. I have found PDCA to be limiting and somewhat challenging to take people on the path of exploration. I was introduced to EDCA (E=Explore) it seems like a decade ago by Graham Hill but it never really Read More …

Lean Startup: Build-Measure-Sell?

Often, startups think Product/Market fit is found by obtaining their first customers. They try to validate their product and customer base by building this Harry-Potter sales funnel thinking they can create a customer. The only measure part of the equation is the sales activity they generate within the funnel. I am not saying it doesn’t Read More …