4S Framework: State, Structure, Solve, Sell

In the past, I have written about using the Lean trio of SDCA, PDCA, EDCA with an umbrella of CAP-Do or in Non-Lean terms; Standard Work, Continuous Improvement, Design Thinking (Exploration), and Reflection. In the book, Cracked it!: How to solve big problems and sell solutions like top strategy consultants, the authors lay out their Read More …

Most Opportunities Are Not Created; They Are Discovered

Adopting a systems perspective makes visible many of the hidden complexities operating in an organization that might be important targets for change. Reviewing from a system point of view helps generate a set of hypotheses that form the basis for our marketing experiments. This, in turn, guides our efforts to be tested, organizes results from Read More …

Roles of Intuition and Rationality in Strategic Decisions

Author Julia Sloan in the book, Learning to Think Strategically, emphasizes the need for both a Creative and Rational balance in the approach. Sloan says, “Without a well-honed intuitive sense, problem analysis can remain clinical, sanitized, and ineffectual, in that problems are exposed only superficially and analyzed without much, if any, examination of the “truthfulness” Read More …

Helpful Thoughts on Unpacking Assumptions and Testing Underlying Data

Right now, we need low-cost speedy experiments to test new growth and innovation ideas. Think of the ideas surrounding Learning Launches as proposed by the School of Darden at the University of Virginia and in the book Learn or Die: Using Science to Build a Leading-Edge Learning Organization by Edward D. Hess. A learning launch Read More …

How Adaptable is Your Supply Chain?

Lean for many years has promoted the idea of a flow-based system tied to actual demand and TOC has helped solve other associated problems with Drum-Buffer-Rope. Both of these systems offer flow-based thinking which I believe is a current minimum requirement over the cost-based systems of the past. However, they both start breaking down when Read More …