In a Recession do we need a little more Zig than Seth?

John Jantsch author of Duct Tape Marketing just blogged about 7 Time-tested Ways to Dig Out from a Recession. These are the 7 points and all of them are well explained if you click through.

This content from: Duct Tape Marketing

7 Time-tested Ways to Dig Out from a Recession

Take these seven tips and re-energize your marketing today!

1) Partner with other businesses

2)Reactivate past customers

3)Get out from behind the computer

4)Speak at events, hold workshops

5)Fix your follow-up

6)Repackage your products and services with offers to act

7)Fix the marketing gaps

Lately, I have read several articles and seen some amazing numbers on the lack of follow-up. When you look at all the suggestions above but mean nothing without a great conversion plan.

Many of us in marketing, believe we can close the deal. However, it still requires sales. My suggestion would be for Sales & Marketing to make sure that get in the same room or for that matter in the same bed. Even in small business, these areas seem to lack continuity.

Lead conversion? Maybe we need a little more Zig than Seth during a recession?