Can We Use Recent Learning to be more Digital?

Are there reasons that Engineering should not be more Agile or Design Thinking like? With today’s modeling capabilities, can better collaboration taking place?

Working with manufacturers through the years, I have found many of the engineering processes not all that collaborative in nature. In fact, many are somewhat archaic when compared to modern-day collaboration efforts found in software.

I understand many of the constraints. However, can we take recent events and leverage our online internal collaboration to the external world?

Can these same thoughts be applied to manufacturing? My weekend reading: Digital Transformation Game Plan: 34 Tenets for Masterfully Merging Technology and Business. From the book – Simplifying the business strategy to be centered around customer value instead of internal benefits will help improve decision making through greater transparency and visibility. Digital Transformation

Focus on the following interconnected five areas to gradually realign the business architecture and organization to be more customer-centric:
1. Define success as customer outcomes
2. Use a thin-slice approach
3. Have a clear view on what to measure and why
4. Align work and teams with customer outcomes
5. Create visibility and transparency

Interested to see how this book complements Jim Highsmith and David Robinson book EDGE: Value-Driven Digital Transformation.

P.S. Authors of both books are from ThoughtWorks

Book Links:
DT Game Plan: