A full refrigerator is overrated – Simplify the choices

Typically, we spend our time complicating the choices rather than simplifying them. As we make the choices easier for people the quicker they react and the quicker they will process through your sales funnel. Key trigger words and actions can sometimes assist you in determining the next step required with your clients. Use the trigger word both ways. Determine to continue but also find one to detemine that you are not a clear cut choice. Spend time marketing to people that want your product.

A few suggestions to simplify your marketing:

  1. Quit trying to sell to people that don’t want your product.
  2. Quit the phone calls
  3. Quit mailing to people that don’t read it
  4. Narrow your print ads to publications that address your target market
  5. Place online ads where they are much targeted.
  6. Approach bloggers and social networks that are targeted to your market only.
  7. Ask customers and prospect what they want to hear about.
  8. Look at key trigger words that will tell you to stop marketing
  9. Get creative and service only our customer’s needs.

Giving the customer what he wants when he wants it! Is that possible?

1 thought on “A full refrigerator is overrated – Simplify the choices”

  1. Joe, I am looking forward to reading your insights. I left your Duct Tape blog as soon as possible, since I couldn’t comfortably read it (mozilla). The blue with the grey text was bad on my browser.
    I am glad there was the FaceBook connection. Thanks for the opportunity to see your ideas in action.
    Pat. http://www.patwulfson.com

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