Jeff Gothelf is a designer, an Agile practitioner with a specific expertise in User Experience culminating in his book Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience. His daytime job is currently as Managing Director in Neo’s New York City office. Previously, Jeff has led teams at TheLadders, Publicis Modem, WebTrends, Fidelity, & AOL.
Inspired by Lean and Agile development theories, Lean UX lets you focus on the actual experience being designed, rather than deliverables. This book shows you how to collaborate closely with other members of the product team, and gather feedback early and often. You’ll learn how to drive the design in short, iterative cycles to assess what works best for the business and the user. Lean UX shows you how to make this change—for the better.
- Frame a vision of the problem you’re solving and focus your team on the right outcomes
- Bring the designers’ toolkit to the rest of your product team
- Share your insights with your team much earlier in the process
- Create Minimum Viable Products to determine which ideas are valid
- Incorporate the voice of the customer throughout the project cycle
- Make your team more productive: combine Lean UX with Agile’s Scrum framework
- Understand the organizational shifts necessary to integrate Lean UX
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