Presenting Daniel H. Pink’s latest book

I have made several post about this book, and I agree with the blogger here, IT IS A GREAT GRADUATION PRESENT! Check out the presentation and my past blog.

Best-selling author Daniel H. Pink is one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. His second book — A Whole New Mind — is so spot on for our times, I dedicated 5-6 pages of my book outlining how the key ideas in his book can be applied to the world of presentations. I am a huge Dan Pink fan. So I was very happy to receive Dan Pink’s latest book — The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need — last month. I read it just an hour after I received it (during lunch; 160 pages of manga so it reads fast, and I eat slowly). When I met Dan last year in Japan, he was in Tokyo for a few months on a Japan Society Media Fellowship studying the manga industry. I didn’t know he was going to write a business book in manga exactly, but we did indeed discuss many of the same issue that are in his brilliant new book. We’re the same age and share a similar perspective on work, careers, education, etc. There are more than six lessons that a young person needs to know in order to be successful, of course, but the six that Dan touches on in his book are fundamental. This book is simple, memorable, and presented in a creative and evocative way. I loved it! I’m purchasing several to give as the perfect graduation present this year.
Watch the trailer of Dan Pink’s latest book below (link)