Career Secrets converted to Your Marketing Machine

I have just finished reading “The Adventures of Johnny Bunko” by Dan Pink. It was written in comic book format and was actually an easy and fun read. But his six career secrets(in bold below) in the book are an excellent introduction to the development of a marketing system, here’s why:

  1. There is no plan: Developing a system requires action, the result is a plan and if you do it right, you will build a plan and no one will know it.
  2. Think strengths, not weaknesses: Target market, Ideal client, do I need to say more?
  3. It’s not about you: Your customer probably does not care about a lot of the points you try to get across, he cares about who demonstrates best how they can make him more money or make his life easier.
  4. Persistence trumps talent: People have a tendency to forget, the tortoise won!
  5. Make excellent mistakes: Try doing things that others haven’t done, be original!
  6. Leave an imprint: Stand out from the crowd, tough for you to do, create a smaller crowd. Read item 2 again.

Dan Pink is also the author of A Whole New Mind and Free Agent Nation.

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