Needing a Critical Friend?

You need people who can be trusted as your “critical friend.” The role of the critical friend is not always easy to fulfill. This person is a trustworthy individual who will challenge your assumptions, give you honest feedback about your work, and act as a source of support for you during this project. Learn more Read More …

Action Learning Involves an Active, Experiential Process

Action learning involves an active, experiential process rather than passively acquiring knowledge. Action learning is a powerful and dynamic approach to learning that emphasizes the importance of active, experiential processes over passive knowledge acquisition. Unlike traditional methods of teaching and training, which often rely on lectures, textbooks, and memorization, action learning encourages individuals to engage Read More …

Action Learning Encourages Stakeholder Engagement and Creates Buy-In for Solutions

The success of any organization hinges heavily on its ability to engage stakeholders and garner their support for proposed solutions. However, traditional problem-solving methods often fail to involve stakeholders meaningfully, leading to a lack of buy-in and ultimately hindering the implementation of effective solutions. This is where action learning comes in – a powerful methodology Read More …

Action Learning Emphasizes Exploration and Adaptation in Problem-Solving

Traditional problem-solving methods often rely on a linear and structured approach, limiting creativity and innovation. This is where action learning comes in. Originally developed in the 1940s by Reg Revans, action learning is a powerful problem-solving approach emphasizing exploration and adaptation. It is based on the belief that the best way to solve a problem Read More …

Action Learning Benefits Include…

Action Learning benefits include improved problem-solving, innovation, team building, and engagement. Action learning is a powerful tool that has gained significant recognition in the business world for enhancing problem-solving skills, fostering innovation, building strong teams, and increasing employee engagement. This dynamic learning approach involves experiential learning and critical reflection, where individuals work together to solve Read More …

Sequing from Marketing Action Research to Sales Action Learning

Marketing and sales are two critical components of any successful business. While marketing creates awareness and generates interest in a product or service, sales ultimately drive revenue and contribute to the bottom line. As such, it is essential for organizations to continuously refine their marketing and sales strategies to stay ahead in a highly competitive Read More …