Is there Higher Value in Outcome-Based Pay?

Recently my work has centered on jobs that allow me to expand my thinking in the area of Outcome-Based Thinking. I have been fortunate to move into this field, and I find it exhilarating to say the least. Part of this thinking is embedded in Service Dominant Logic and the concepts of Value Co-creation and Read More …

Customer Acquisition Time for a Startup

I read a book over 25 years ago I believe that was called Take a Chance to Be First: The Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success by Warren Avis. To this day one thought that has always stayed with me about entrepreneurship and starting a business; So do some careful figuring and planning, come up with the Read More …

What’s the Advantage in Throughput Accounting?

I ask Charlene Spoede Budd, a Professor Emeritus from Baylor University, that question in a past podcast. Dr. Budd taught management accounting and project management classes for a number of years and has co-authored two accounting textbooks with her most recent book, A Practical Guide to Earned Value Project Management. Joe:  What makes throughput accounting Read More …

You Only Need 1 Thing to Increase Sales

Most of us already have our goals in placed to increase business by 5 or 10 percent or maybe if you are a young company you might be doubling or tripling sales this year. We have Created our Lean Scale-Up Budget, and now all we have to do is manage the plan or if that Read More …

The Trumpet of Smarter Solutions

Forrest Breyfogle discusses his new book The Business Process Management Guidebook: An Integrated Enterprise Excellence BPM System.  and  the Integrated Enterprise Excellence. The IEE provides radical management advancements in the utilization and integration of scorecards, strategic planning, and process improvement. Transcription and PDF Download of Podcast Transcription and PDF Download of Podcast Related podcast: A Trumpet Read More …

The Maker Movement

TechShop, a do-it-yourself workshop and fabrication studio with six locations open and hundreds more planned over the next decade, is the largest public access tools and computer enabled manufacturing platform in the world.  Mark Hatch recently authored The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers to capture Read More …