A Beginner’s Guide To Conversational Artificial Intelligence

The digital age has accelerated technology development and drastically changed how we interact with machines. One of the most significant advancements in artificial intelligence is conversational AI, transforming how we interact with machines. Conversational AI has the potential to revolutionize the way humans and machines interact, but what exactly is it, and what is it Read More …

Become an Organization with Customer-Centric Mentality

By having a customer-centric mentality, you prioritize your customers’ needs and create an organization focused on ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. This mentality creates an environment for your customers to feel appreciated, respected, and taken care of. In turn, this will increase customer loyalty and repeat customers, as well as the potential to receive referrals Read More …

What is My Customer’s North Star?

You should always ask yourself, “What is my customer’s North Star?” and “What trends are happening in my customer’s industry that I should be aware of?” Your customer’s North Star is what your customer is striving for, and their trends are the things happening in their industry that will help them get there. Knowing your Read More …

Strategic Narratives: Transform Your Approach to Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a major part of any company’s operations. It relates to developing a vision and a plan for the company to achieve its goals and objectives. Strategic planning is not a one-time activity; it should be an ongoing process. Strategic planning involves identifying your target markets, customers, products, services, and competitors. You must also Read More …

Sales – Are Stretch Goals about Outcomes or Refining Processes and Creating Better Strategies?

Sales involve understanding how your products/services affect customer outcomes while building a sales strategy to establish how this value is recognized. This requires understanding customer needs and how your product or service can address those needs. It also means clearly understanding your “value proposition” – what makes your product or service unique and valuable to Read More …

What Do You Know About Your Customers’ Markets?

It might seem like a rhetorical question, but how much do you know about the markets your customers serve? What are the latest trends in those markets? What hidden value patterns can you uncover by categorizing data from those markets? Understanding your customers’ markets is essential for trend development and uncovering hidden value patterns. By Read More …