Stakeholder Engagement Mapping

Stakeholder Engagement Mapping Stakeholder engagement is a collaborative process of research, debate, and discussion from multiple perspectives to determine a key list of stakeholders across the entire stakeholder spectrum. It is a prerequisite for effective stakeholder consultation and should be an integral part of any project or initiative. Stakeholder engagement mapping helps identify the purpose Read More …

Customer Centricity: Driving Customer Value

Customer centricity can be defined as focusing on and treating customers as the top priority and the primary asset of any business. It is the process of developing, maintaining, and executing all business activities that contribute to customers’ ultimate satisfaction. It is well said that if a company is customer-centric, its brand must become superior. Read More …

Understanding Customer Value

Organizations are under constant pressure to increase shareholder value. One of the most important is understanding and serving customers well. Too often, organizations focus on features and benefits instead of customer value. This results in failed product launches, frustrated customers, and unfulfilled growth potential. So why is it difficult to understand customer value? Part of Read More …

Align Your Company Around Customer Value

A customer value strategy will articulate your company’s approach to creating and delivering customer value. This strategy should consider the needs and wants of your target customer base and your company’s strengths and weaknesses. Once you have a clear customer value strategy, you can start aligning your business around it. This means ensuring that all Read More …

The Principles Of Market/Product Fit: Finding Your Focus

What is Market/Product Fit? In a nutshell, Market/Product Fit is the degree to which your product meets the needs of your target market. To achieve Market/Product Fit, you must first understand your target market’s needs and then build a product that meets those needs. It sounds simple enough, but it can be difficult to achieve Read More …