Out with Stage–Gates, In with Events

I ask Allan Coletta, author of The Lean 3P Advantage this question: You talk about the events, and that seems to be the key part of 3P that you do the work; you do the development, everything, then you get together for this event, instead of stage-gate or control-point. Do you all get together, and Read More …

Lean Learning Cycles

The concept of Learning Cycles is not just something for innovation. I think it is a mindset that is needed  to replace the traditional marketing funnel. We should be building learning experiences with our customers. Tim Schipper and Mark Swets give a brief introduction to Learning Cycles below. An expanded version is available in a Read More …

Should you have Stage-Gates or Knowledge Gates

In a past podcast with Ron Mascitelli, president of Technology Perspectives, we discussed exchanging the use of stage gates in design to what Ron and I both like to call Knowledge gates. I asked Ron, Do these happen at phase gates or control points of the process? Ron: Actually, in my perfect vision of the Read More …

Can You Use Inventive Problem Solving

TRIZ is an acronym. T-R-I-Z. It’s a Russian Acronym for theory of inventive problem solving. And don’t worry about the word “theory” because, in fact, TRIZ is a whole bunch of very practical methods for creative problem solving – Ellen Domb Is TRIZ something you can use? Find out in this podcast. Ellen Domb is Read More …

TRIZ to Handle Sales Contradictions

The last few days, I have blogged about TRIZ – For People Who Struggle with Open Innovation and Getting Started with TRIZ, as a way of introducing my upcoming podcast with Ellen Domb, founder of the PQR Group, a TRIZ training & consulting organization. What has intrigued me about the TRIZ process is that it Read More …

Do We Know How to Learn from Customers?

Any reader of the Business901 blog or twitter followers for any length of time has heard words echoing in this space such as… “The only competitive advantage you have is the rate at which you learn from your customers.” “Positioning your organization in your customer’s playground is the most important role marketing has.” Along with Read More …