Socratic Circles: A Place in B2B Customer Research?

A Quick Overview of What They Are and If They Have a Place in B2B Customer Research What is a Socratic Circle? If you’re looking for a way to get more out of your business research or sales meetings, you may consider using Socratic Circles. But what are they? And how can you use them Read More …

Strategic Narratives: Transform Your Approach to Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a major part of any company’s operations. It relates to developing a vision and a plan for the company to achieve its goals and objectives. Strategic planning is not a one-time activity; it should be an ongoing process. Strategic planning involves identifying your target markets, customers, products, services, and competitors. You must also Read More …

Immersion Research: Delivering Buyer Insights

How Most Companies Fall Short Of Understanding What Buyers Value: Most companies understand the importance of understanding what their buyers want and need. However, many companies fall short of actually understanding what their buyers value. The problem is that traditional research methods often don’t provide the insight needed to understand buyer behavior.  The Problem With Traditional Read More …

Learning From Customers: The Inquiry Sales Model

Why is it so important to learn from customers? Because they hold valuable knowledge that can help us improve our products, services, and processes. By engaging with customers and incorporating their feedback into our decision-making, we can learn how to serve them better and meet their needs. It has been said that the customer is Read More …

Three Types of Learning That are Neglected in Sales Training

Sales training is an important part of any business. It helps employees learn about the products or services they sell and how to sell them best. However, three types of learning are often neglected in sales training: how to learn about our customers, how to learn from our customers, and how to learn for our Read More …