Transitions should Evolve not be Managed

David Anderson is a thought leader in managing effective technology development. He leads a consulting, training and publishing business at  David J, Anderson & Associates. David may be best known for his book, Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business. David recently appeared on a Business901 podcast, Change is Best when it Evolves. This Read More …

Change is Best when it Evolves

I’ve realized that I want to focus my own business a lot more on “How can we help you manage change?” rather than “How can we deliver you a new process solution?” because I often feel the existing process probably isn’t that broken. Understanding how to tweak around with it and introduce change in a Read More …

Resistance to Change, What Resistance?

David Anderson, @agilemanager on Twitter, is a thought leader in managing effective technology development. He leads a consulting, training and publishing business at  David J, Anderson & Associates. David may be best known for his book, Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business. David takes an evolutionary approach to change. An excerpt from next Read More …

DevOps with Dominica

The DevOps movement is shifting the focus away from separate departments working independently to an organization-wide collaboration — a “systems thinking” approach. It’s about addressing all the work as a whole, versus looking only at the bits and pieces, or only looking at capital versus expense. It’s about work flowing across functions (versus lurking in Read More …

How to unite Development and Operations

DevOps is becoming a familiar word in the world of IT and as a result shifting the focus away from separate departments working independently to an organization-wide collaboration. It’s about addressing all the work as a whole, versus looking only at the bits and pieces, or only looking at capital versus expense. One of the Read More …

Why Projects Fail? – Dilbert

This is a video George Carr uploaded to YouTube and used in a lesson about “Why IT Projects fail” – told through the medium of Dilbert. Most of our careers or at least mine has been spent in managing projects. In the past several years, it seems that project management is taking a significant shift Read More …