Layout for Hoshin Kanri Planning in Lean Sales and Marketing

If you have not listened to this podcast with Art Byrne, you should. Podcast: Lean as your Business Model w Art Byrne Transcript: Lean as a Business Model The Lean Turnaround: How Business Leaders Use Lean Principles to Create Value and Transform Their Company Review layout for Hoshin Kanri Planning in implementing Lean in Sales Read More …

What Customer Centric Really Means

Do you meet the criteria that successful customer-centric companies set? In this podcast, we explore this term and find out what it really means to be Customer Centric.  Author Bob Thompson, an international authority on customer-centric business management who has researched and shaped leading industry trends since 1998. Bob is founder and CEO of CustomerThink Read More …

Say More by Saying Less

Joe McCormack is on a mission to help organizations master the art of the short story. In an age of shrinking attention spans, non-stop interruptions, floods of information, the messages business leaders send out are getting lost in a sea of words. An experienced marketing executive, successful entrepreneur and author, Joe is recognized for his Read More …

Increase Sales–Take Better Notes

Have you ever reviewed your sales people call notes? Don’t look at what they put into the CRM look at those raw notes they captured during the conversation, the raw footage. The importance of capturing information is so valuable, and one of the most underdeveloped traits that a salesperson or even many support staffs have. Read More …

The Beautifulness of Chaos in Sales

One of my pet-peeves is this process thinking mentality that we can apply a tool like value-stream mapping and create a more efficient sales process, by getting rid of unnecessary steps and action. People are always looking for a template that they can follow and ZaZoom, sales increases. Though there is some truth that we Read More …

Best Stories About Value Are About Users

In discussing Goods Dominant Logic (Gd-Logic) versus Service-Dominant Logic (SD-Logic), I probably oversimplify the message when I use the comparison that GD-Logic focuses on the thought of value derived at the point of transaction and SD-Logic focuses on the thought of value derived at the point of use. I went into this thinking in a Read More …