Sales Stories: Are You Creating the Wrong Heroes?

An outline of most sales stories that you will see goes something like this. First, you must grab their attention or the hook. Second, you tell them a relevant story that addresses their needs starting with the current state and the deficiencies or pain points, proceeding to describe the future state and how it will Read More …

The Sales Rule of Opposites

In sales, I like to break things down to the simplest component. Selling is tough enough without making complicated with all these forms, scripts and procedures. Most of the things I try to develop are attempts to make qualitative judgments within a sales call or a dialogue. The best skill of course you can have Read More …

Customer Acquisition Time for a Startup

I read a book over 25 years ago I believe that was called Take a Chance to Be First: The Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success by Warren Avis. To this day one thought that has always stayed with me about entrepreneurship and starting a business; So do some careful figuring and planning, come up with the Read More …

Creating Meaningful Dialogue with your Boundary Partners? Or Anybody?

I have started to use this term more and more as time goes on. It is a term that I learned from the Outcome based thinking crowd that defines Boundary Partners as anyone that the project influences. I like to bring it a little closer to home and define it is anyone that will assist Read More …

CREATe a Simple Work Flow

Outside of blogging and podcasting, I do actually get a few real jobs that typically involve creating workflows to assist in managing and implement a change. This is done a variety of ways, and I take little credit for any success. I have followed John Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Change introduced in Leading Change as closely Read More …

Helping People to Their Own Conclusions

Annette Simmons wrote the book, The Story Factor (2nd Revised Edition), and a hidden gem, Territorial Games. The Story Factor became a classic when 800-CEO-READ named it in their book as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time (Penguin, 2009). Annette is the founder of Group Process Consulting. One of the gems Read More …