SDCA for Lean Service Design

A perspective on Standard Work from Steve Bell (Steve and his partner Mike Orzen later published Lean IT: Enabling and Sustaining Your Lean Transformation): But when you get right down to it the principles of Lean are the same. It’s about collaborative learning. It’s about speed. It’s about quality. It’s about waste reduction. Those basic Read More …

Lean Management System for Lean Service Design

What will drive Leader Standard Work is the “Why” more so than the “How”. The “Why” provides the clear strategic intent which will provide the fuel for Leader Standard Work. This analogy is wonderfully described in David Mann’s Book Creating a Lean Culture: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions, Second Edition where he uses the automotive Read More …

Overview of Lean Service Design

A little bit of a Spoof, but nevertheless an outline on how to think in Lean Service Design. Customer Journey Canvas from the book, This is Service Design Thinking When I use the SALES PDCA approach in Lean Marketing, I emphasize the use of sales and marketing teams. It is one of the underlying principles Read More …

5S applies to the Customer Journey Map

5s is a systematic corrective action technique to clean up, get organized and make this the way you do business. In service organizations, the problems identified in 5S not only rob your organizations’ productivity but also your customers. Service environments are especially prone to this waste. Often it is blamed on the lack of standardization. Read More …

Mapping the Journey

Many organizations try to build their first marketing value streams from an organizational perspective. I encourage breaking down your value stream into your product/market segment. Seldom will your organizations products or the markets they compete in be so clear-cut that you can have one simple value stream. Customer Journey Canvas from the book, This is Read More …

Putting the OODA Loop in a Lean Perspective

A Lean Sales Method There has been a resurgence or maybe recognition of the use of the OODA Loop as a basis for much of the current ideas surrounding Iterations, Rapid Development Cycles and Decision Making. What makes the OODA Loop such a popular subject? When we first think of the OODA Loop, we think Read More …