Why a Lean Startup is hot and Lean Six Sigma is not

Disclaimer: I have participated in many of these threads and really are using them for a little twisted humor of mine. What Continuous Improvement Consultants are talking about: One Lean group is arguing about whether to start with 5s or not. I mean seriously after we clean the floor what else is there? A Six Read More …

Innovative Development eBook

Tim Schipper and Mark Swets were my guests on the Business901 Podcast and this is a transcription of the podcast. They are the co-authors of Innovative Lean Development: How to Create, Implement and Maintain a Learning Culture Using Fast Learning Cycles. I have been quite intrigued by their book and  I would encourage you first Read More …

Is Eric or Mario the Icon of the Lean Startup?

The key to the Lean Startup craze we have been talking about the last few months may be just generational. The reason it maybe taking off is that the supporters grew up with Mario as their Icon. You remember Mario don’t you?  Mario was created by Shigeru Miyamoto in his attempts to produce a best-selling Read More …

Iterative Process Gaining Steam – Proof it works

I received this TED video tip from @ayushjjw of http://www.tenmarks.com. Tom Wujec presents some surprisingly deep research into the “marshmallow problem” — a simple team-building exercise that involves dry spaghetti, one yard of tape and a marshmallow. Who can build the tallest tower with these ingredients? And why does a surprising group always beat the Read More …

Startup Lessons Learned Live Stream

This was a live stream that was posted on my blog during the April 23rd, 2010 Start Lessons Learned Conference. Watch live video from Startup Lessons Learned on Justin.tv

Who is your Lean Rock star?

The old adage of Lean was that everything that we did we referenced to Toyota. I have always wondered why since so much of Lean was actually American; Ford, Deming, etc. Due to their success Toyota certainly popularized Lean, mostly in the manufacturing area but as Lean has proliferated to other areas it has been Read More …