The Makings Of A Perfect Lean Market

Beyond Lean: The Perfect Lean Market: While 80% of manufacturers have lean initiatives, less than 1% have lean practices in place. This article was written by Pamela Lopker, president and chairman of QAD Inc. She went on to say, “The Makings Of A Perfect Lean Market – There are three primary attributes to a perfect Read More …

Do you define a start date on projects?

Define the Work: Project Start Date(Part 2 of 2) One of the characteristics of a project is that there is a definite start and end date. This seems simple enough until you start to try to define exactly what these dates mean. There are no universally recommended standards for either date. In many respects, it Read More …

Lean Marketing – 5S Overview

I did a Lean Marketing Webinar on 5S and broke it down into an overview and 5 segments. Each segment will be posted during the next 5 days. The segments are, you guessed it: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain. If you want to review the entire series go to Technorati Tags: Lean Marketing ,Marketing Read More …

Lean Marketing – Kaizen Plan

In my previous post on Lean Six Sigma marketing , I had stated Implement, the new process under a control plan, was the 5th step in building a Lean Six Sigma marketing process. I also stated that in the Duct Tape Marketing planning system that the Service Experience coincided with the definition of Implement. Now Read More …

Lean Marketing – Map Future State

In my previous post on Lean Six Sigma marketing , I had stated Develop, a new process so that the problem is eliminated and the new results meet the new requirements, was the 4th step in building a Lean Six Sigma marketing process. I also stated that in the Duct Tape Marketing planning system that Read More …

Lean Marketing – Map Current State

Simply put, you cannot determine how to get somewhere without knowing where you are at. In a previous post on Lean Six Sigma marketing-Explore , I had stated Explore, the data to identify a cause and effect relationship between variables, was the 3rd step in building a Lean Six Sigma marketing process. I also stated Read More …