Can Introvert Tendencies be a Marketing Advantage?

Joan Friedlander, owner of Lifework Business Partners was my guest on the Business901 Podcast and we had the opportunity to discuss creating realistic and executable marketing plans for self-employed service business owners and key members of a business team. One of Joan’s specialties is working with Introverts and our conversation extended into using those introvert Read More …

Value Stream Marketing eBook Released

Just released a 27-page eBook which provides an overview of the Value Stream Marketing Process. The book is an overview of applying Lean principles to the marketing process. It also serves as an introduction to the Business901 Marketing Kanban and the Value Stream Marketing 28 day program. Short Excerpt: Value Stream Marketing is not about Read More …

Marketing Kanban 101

Kanban is a lean term and means visual card or sign. It is used to limit the amount of inventory tied up in work in process. Of course in lean excess inventories regarded as ways and so is the time spent in producing it. Kanban scheduling systems are among the simplest, effective and in expensive Read More …

Six Sigma Marketing Lessons from Eric Reidenbach

Dr. Eric Reidenbach was a guest on the Business901 Podcast and this transcription is no longer available. Six Sigma Marketing is a fact-based, disciplined approach for growing market share in targeted product/markets by providing superior value.  The Six Sigma Marketing Institute is dedicated to the advancement and deployment of Six Sigma Marketing.  At the heart Read More …

Interpreting Use of Data in Marketing

In Part 2 of the 2-part Business901 Podcast with Dr. Eric Reidenbach of the Six Sigma Marketing Institute,  we discussed the use of data and analytics. We are swamped with incoming data. I believe that the best way to interpret, define and use this sea of information is through the use of Six Sigma tools. Read More …

Why are we doing this?

Do you ask this question before your start a marketing campaign or project? Sometimes it is really hard to come up with a number or a goal, but should we not try before doing it? I hear more people discussing why you should not measure things rather than why you should. But I think it Read More …