The Ideal Container is No Container

Ideal Marketing is No Marketing Ideal Sales is No Sales What is Ideality? As defined in the book, Systematic Innovation: An Introduction to TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) co-authored by John Terninko: Ideality is defined at the sum of a system’s useful functions divided by the sum of its undesired effects. This theoretical measure Read More …

The Connection of QFD, Taguchi, TRIZ

Dr. John Terninko has integrated his diverse experience base (electrical engineering, operations research, organizational development, teaching, continuing education and management consultation) to develop a unique intervention style for organizations. Transcription and Related Podcast An excerpt from the Podcast/Transcription: Joe: What’s the connection between all three of them? John Terninko: Take a Venn diagram, and I Read More …

The Misnomer of Thinking out of the Box

Do you want to innovate? Try something new? You surround yourself with a bunch of creative people, go offsite and have a brainstorming session. The ideas are abundant and with so many it seems a shame that we can only try a few due to budget or time constraints. The cold hard truth is that Read More …

Innovators Congenital Myopia

It’s all about breaking the old business model and innovating new models. In with the new, out with the old is every innovator’s mantra. The perfect example is Dean Kamen. You remember Dean, don’t you? He had this product called the Segway that was ready to revolutionize the way we traveled in cities. However, it Read More …

Can a Process Really drive Innovation?

Can a process really drive innovation? If we call Lean 3P a standard process, how would that accelerate, let’s say, a learning cycle? These are the questions that I asked Dan McDonnell discussed the co-authorof  the book, Unleashing the Power of 3P: The Key to Breakthrough Improvement. He answered the question below and many other Read More …

Out with Stage–Gates, In with Events

I ask Allan Coletta, author of The Lean 3P Advantage this question: You talk about the events, and that seems to be the key part of 3P that you do the work; you do the development, everything, then you get together for this event, instead of stage-gate or control-point. Do you all get together, and Read More …