An Innovation Junkie Interviewed

Saul Kaplan (@skap5), the author of The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant When The World is Changing was my guest on the podcast. Saul is an innovation junkie!  He is the founder and chief catalyst of the Business Innovation Factory (BIF), a real-world laboratory for exploring and testing new business models and Read More …

Will someone pay for Intangible Value?

In a recent blog post, Looking for a Game Changer, Start Underperforming!, I discussed the book Uncommon Service. Next weeks Business901 podcast guest co-author Anne Morriss discusses the four universal truths outlined in the book for delivering uncommon service: You can’t be good at everything. Someone has to pay for it. It’s not your employees’ Read More …

Does Lean create Innovative Companies?

Many people only view Lean as a methodology to reduce waste, improve flow and drive internal processes. Many have even hijacked the term customer and created “internal customers” and lose sight of the true customer and the marketplace. These companies do not recognize Lean as a business process that strengthens and grows a company through Read More …

The Irrelevancy of List Price

Rob Doctors, lead author of the book, Contextual Pricing: The Death of List Price and the New Market Reality was my guest on the Business901 Podcast. Rob believes that pricing decisions need to be driven by customer context rather than simple list prices. Pricing is more than just an issue of margin and production costs, Read More …

Contextual Pricing Book Review

Next week the Business901 Podcast guest is Rob Doctors, lead author of the book, Contextual Pricing: The Death of List Price and the New Market Reality. This is an area that is often under-utilized as a marketing weapon. Marketing though largely responsibly often chooses to concentrate on Innovation and Branding. Utilizing Contextual  Pricing will open Read More …

A Product Marketers on Prototyping

Matthew Yubas is the author of Getting Your Prototype Made Quick and Easy and a Marketing Consultant for the Small Business Development and International Trade Center. He has developed products for 24 years as an Engineer, Product Manager, and Consultant for startups, small business, and Fortune 500 companies. As an young entrepreneur, he was a Read More …