U.S. manufacturing – Competing in a Value Driven World

This is a Guest blog Post by Dr. Eric Reidenbach, the Director of the Six Sigma Marketing Institute. I think Dr. Reidenbach’s thoughts are right on target. We keep basing Continuous Improvement efforts in areas that are making little difference to the bottom line. Most manufacturers constraints are in the marketplace and till we address Read More …

Six Sigma Discipline is Good for a Creative Process

I have been promoting Lean Marketing and Six Sigma Marketing for quite a while and have typically been met with steadfast resistance. However, I am seeing more and more mentions of this and it is not coming from the Six Sigma Black Belts. It is being driven by Marketers and Accountants. Listen to one marketer’s Read More …

Six Sigma a great companion to marketing

Received an excellent response on my post yesterday (Measuring The Customer Experience) on Twitter from a @pricingright that said; “With all due respect, it is far too simplistic to use customer advocacy as a measure of customer experience & it is wrong to draw causations. Correlations they speak about are from cross-sectional studies. Interesting but Read More …

Define your Business by Value Stream not Product

How do you identify your prospects? Many organization have a tendency to provide the solution without really spending time identifying the specific market that their solution fits. That is one of the ideas that have made Eric Reis’s Lean Startup movement so strong. He calls it the Pivot. Which in very basic terms: Creating a Read More …

Six Sigma Marketing uses a modified DMAIC

I have been discussing Six Sigma Marketing with Eric Reidenbach of the Six Sigma Marketing Institute and find his approach to the combination of Six Sigma and Marketing quite impressive. He differs from the traditional approach of most organizations when applying Six Sigma to Marketing activities. That approach typically deals with highly structured people and Read More …

Do you want to be at the end of a Fulfillment Stream or a Supply Chain?

Robert Martichenko, co-author of Building a Lean Fulfillment Stream was the guest on the Business901 Podcast. Robert is CEO and Founder of LeanCor, the only Third Party Logistics provider (3PL) wholly dedicated to the application of lean principles throughout the supply chain’s functions. Building on 15+ years of experience, Robert Martichenko created LeanCor to drive Read More …