Customer Value w Six Sigma Marketing

In the Value (Measure) stage of Driving Market Share, you will create a value model for each of your targeted product or markets. This value model is the voice of the market (VOM) that drives all operational and strategic initiatives undertaken by the organization. The VOM replaces agendas, hunches and strategic guessing as the guiding Read More …

Customer Identification 6 Sigma Marketing

The first step in the 5 Cs of Driving Market Share is identifying specific products or markets that offer the organization its best options for growth. You will learn how to evaluate products and markets using metrics such as current market share, market growth rate and competitive intensity to assess the best targets for the Read More …

5Cs of Driving Market Share Program

Organizations need to change from a customer satisfaction focus to a customer value focus. The Five C’s of Driving Market Share serves as the template for this transaction. Turning the power of Six Sigma outward and focusing on growing market share will provide infinite number of value laden projects for the Six Sigma Black belts Read More …

Driving Market Share thru Customer Value

In my journey over the past few years to bring a Continuous Improvement philosophy to marketing, I have primarily focused on Lean and identifying the individual Value Streams. Lean was a much easier methodology to implement and utilize. Working in the past with Dr. Eric Reidenbach of Six Sigma Marketing Institute, we developed the program Read More …

Strengthen your Focus on Outcomes

Change initiatives often promote customer success as a priority but put all the attention on improving process. That’s fine, but it only improves performance on 1 of the 8 Dimensions. Like tuning up one of the eight cylinders on your engine. Learn about how to integrate the other 7 and get stunning, sustainable results. This Read More …

The Technology of Storytelling

“In 6,000 years of storytelling, people have gone from depicting hunting on cave walls to depicting Shakespeare on Facebook walls.” (Joe Sabia) iPad storyteller Joe Sabia introduces us to Lothar Meggendorfer, who created a bold technology for storytelling: the pop-up book. Sabia shows how new technology has always helped us tell our own stories, from Read More …