They may be mouthing those words and saying, “We want culture change,” but truly what they want is a return on their investment and a change on the bottom line. We can get you there, but we can only get you there after you change the culture that undergirds your improve
ment system. – David Adams
My guest this week is David E. Adams, executive director of the Kennametal Center for Operational Excellence of the Alex G. McKenna School of Business, Economics, and Government at Saint Vincent College. KCOE delivers hands-on coaching and educational resources in operational excellence. KCOE produces sustainable results through a proven balance of lean tools, employee engagement, continuous improvement, and world-class coaching.
Operational Excellence is the contemporary, cultural adaptation of the Toyota way and the Toyota production system as learned and experienced by Mr. Rodger Lewis and currently implemented by KCOE as The KCOE System.
A written excerpt from the podcast can be viewed at, We say Culture Change, What we want is ROI.
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