Communication as a Process

The Process Communication Model (PCM) was developed by Dr. Taibi Kahler and Judy and Joe Pauley have been teaching and implementing this model for over twenty years. Their website for more information is Kahler Communication. The Six Personality Types of the Process Communication Model identified by Dr. Kahler are; Reactor, Workaholic, Persister, Dreamer, Rebel, and Promoter.I discussed the model with Judy and Joe recently in the podcast, Seizing the Competitive Advantage thru Communication. Below is a transcription of podcast.

Communication as a Process

Download or view the PDF: Communication as a Process

If you would like to view the flip magazine on your screen or tablet: Flip Magazine

Podcast Link: Seizing the Competitive Advantage thru Communication

Judy and Joe Pauley have written books demonstrating the use of it in: