Google Intros SearchWiki

Thanks for the post, John. Raises a lot of questions for me! Putting search into the hands of the user may bother a lot of SEO people. Can you really count on being in the top 3 anymore? Or even the 1st page? Will SEO people come back and say, yes but there are only 20% of the people using this feature.

Actually, it probably makes SEO more important but I think it puts more value to Google Adwords? Hmm!

This content from: Duct Tape Marketing:

Google has added an interesting feature to the search interface called SearchWiki.

Essentially what this allows is the ability to add notes to your search results – wiki style. In addition, you can move the results around on the page. You need to be logged into your Google account to access the full feature set.So,my question is, what will Google do with what it learns from the collective dynamic search notes. Will this help/hurt rankings, will SEO folks start looking for ways to spam this, will it change the way you interact with Google? Check out the video demo here