How Has Your Marketing Done This Year?

As we enter into the last quarter of the year, it is a great time to start reflecting on what worked and what did not work during the past year. Most of us have been working diligently every week going through a process of deciding what tactics to continue doing, what to change, what to start new and what to stop. We probably have been taking a step back monthly adjusting our strategies based on the qualitative and quantitive data that we have been collecting. But now this last quarter, we should step back and look at our efforts not from just a market perspective but against our business objectives for the year.

Below are a few questions, you might want to ask at this moment and see what answers you receive:

Do you still have a clear map to use as a guide? Has it been updated along the way?

What route has it taken? Are you using the allocated resources to get there?

Have you just been meandering along?  What made you lose your sense of direction?

Or have you exceeded expectations? What kept you on track?

What hidden treasures have you discovered this year?

The questions are meant to stimulate discussion not replace your evaluation and monitoring plan. Don’t wait to ask these questions at the end of the year, not because you can change them drastically. The 4th quarter is often the time for reflection. And also the time to ask;

What do our customers really want?