Lean Marketing

Last week, I wrote a series of blog posts showing the similarities in Marketing Plan Pro powered by Duct Tape Marketing and Six Sigma . I summed the series up with a case for MPP to be considered as a best practice. However, I never really completed the job without adding the Lean component to the picture.  Below is a corrected diagram with the Lean flow diagram to the top.


Lean marketing is a whole-systems approach that creates a culture of continuously improving processes. It is a system focused on and driven by customers, both internal and external. Lean manufacturing isn’t just an industry buzzword or quick-fix alternative. Increasing competition demands a continuous focus on minimal costs, maximum customer options, fast delivery, and high-quality products and services.

Today’s companies must be innovative while focusing on waste reduction, improved lead-time, maximized flexibility, and upgraded quality. Remember when the old adage about marketing was that only 50% of your marketing worked, you just did not know which 50%. Lean marketing principles will allow you to implement proven strategies. The components of Lean: Value Stream, Lean metrics, Current state, Future state, Kaizan plan may resemble the MPP principles more than the Six Sigma flow diagram.

But lets just start this series of Lean post with 2 questions:

  1. Is there a better way to market your operation?
  2. Is there a more efficient way to advertise, promote, and refer your product or services?