Can Lean Help Predict The Future? (Rev2)

Putting the ideas of a futurist such as Amy Webb into practice can be a good start. The ideas Webb discusses in her book has helped me refine a few of my methods. It has helped me develop a better practice routine and believe it gave me a better feel for evaluating the future and as Read More …

Is a Collaboration between Marketing and Human Resources needed?

Is your growth being limited by people development? The past 6 months I have been involved in the domain of Human Resources working with companies in both the SaaS environment and Event Management fields. Before this most of my area in people development had centered on the onboarding aspect. These areas show strikingly a bit Read More …

What Should The Missing TWI Block Be Named?

In Lean we use TWI as a platform for developing people. However, we may not do so good of a job developing the Explore aspect (EDCA) of Lean through the process.  Any Thoughts? In Eric Ries’s new book, The Startup Way, he quoted Shigeki Tomoyama (who at the time was the chief officer of the IT Read More …

Can Lean Help Predict the Future?

Is your marketing system creating the forward thinking that you need? It is just not using predictive analytics. It is also developing the mind-shift that forecasting, recognizing trends should be a large part of your efforts.  The cliche I have used for years is that the role of marketing is just not getting the message Read More …

The Cascading Effects of Lean in Your Marketing

Upcoming Presentation This breakout session is part of the Lean Leadership Week, which includes the Lean People Development Summit and Lean Accounting/Management Summit hosted by Lean Frontiers in Savannah, GA on October 24th & 25th, 2017. For more information visit: Title: The Cascading Effects of Lean in Your Marketing Session Abstract: Marketing is becoming less Read More …

Mid-Week Savannah Lean Workshops: Huge ROI on Training

Between the two Savannah, GA summits, Lean People Development Summit and Lean Accounting & Management, a unique offering of workshops will be offered to both sets of attendees. However, the registration is open to anyone, you do not have to participate in either summit. If you live within 100 miles of Savannah, you can experience a half Read More …