Tim Berry, Duct Tape Marketing Coaches Excellence Series

dtmlogo-web.jpg The call yesterday with Tim Berry, Palo Alto Software(Business and Marketing Plan Pro) is archived for you to listen to – Go to the Coaches Excellence Page.
I enjoyed the call and found it interesting. Tim has a new book coming out this fall and he seems to be backing away from this idea of the elaborate business plan structure. It is not that he does not believe in one, he does, but not in the way you might think. You need to listen!

Several other points: 

  1. He says most business people think in terms of PROFITS! But they should be thinking in terms of CASH FLOW! I think anyone that has been through a turnaround can appreciate that comment.
  2. #1 item you must do in developing a business plan is to set the next time you are going to meet to review the results.
  3. The plan is not the document it is the action of the people. 
  4. Some good comments about Business Planning for startups.

There is more packed into less than 45 minutes. There was a couple of technical problems at the beginning so fast forward and listen. I will tell you more about his new book!