Bootstrapping the Kanban

I just finished reading Kanban by David Anderson, @AgileManager and was very pleased with the content and especially the delivery. David is truly an expert in Kanban and I highly recommend the book for any discipline looking at introducing Kanban. What I enjoyed about the book more than anything else was the delivery of the Read More …

Marketing Kanban 102, Work in Process

So what is the next step: To Do, Doing, Done may not have been an earth shattering experience? The next step is a huge one, and I mean huge. You need to take your drawing and place a number under the Doing Column. Are you shaking yet? This is how we will manage the Work Read More …

Marketing Kanban 101

Kanban is a lean term and means visual card or sign. It is used to limit the amount of inventory tied up in work in process. Of course in lean excess inventories regarded as ways and so is the time spent in producing it. Kanban scheduling systems are among the simplest, effective and in expensive Read More …

Kanban Lessons Learned from a Software Developer – Ebook

Recently I had Chris Hefley, President and Co-Founder Bandit Software on a special edition of the Business901 Podcast. This is a transcription of the Podcast. The Bandit Software team will be sponsoring a booth at the upcoming Lean Software and Systems Conference in Atlanta, April 21-23. ( Kanban Lessons from a Software Developer Bandit Software Read More …

Lean Kanban from a Software Developer

Recently I had Chris Hefley, President and Co-Founder Bandit Software on a special edition of the Business901 Podcast. Bandit Software is the maker of an electronic Kanban tools for Lean Software and Systems development teams called Lean Kit Kanban. This conversation starts with a discussion of where Kanban stands today in the software community and Read More …

put things off until the last responsible minute – Personal Kanban

One of the Personal Kanban tips that Jim Benson gave us in the Business901 Podcast: We basically create different projects, and those projects, aren’t atomized until the last possible minute. So we keep things in an aggregated form as long as we possibly can, which is a fancy way of saying that we procrastinate. But Read More …