Can Kevin Kelly Predict the Future?

According to Kevin Kelly, much of what will happen in the next thirty years is inevitable, driven by technological trends that are already in motion. He captures this in his new book, The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future. These twelve trends overlap and are codependent on one another, and Read More …

Systems Thinking: The Importance and Struggles

John Latham of the Organization Design Studio discussed his thoughts about the importance of systems thinking and I added an excerpt from a recent podcast with another guest. John Latham: I have not added anything to the periodic table of organization thought. All these pieces are somewhere else? What I’ve done is organized them, talked about Read More …

Updated Systems Thinking Stack

This is a collection of Business901 Podcast Transcriptions, called Stacks (see below) through my Issuu channel. This is an updated version of the Systems Thinking Stack with both the John Latham and John Shibley transcriptions added.  Systems Thinking Stacks are a new way to organize your own publications, as well as any other publications that Read More …

Creating Organizational Frameworks

John Latham creates flexible frameworks that facilitate the process of reimagining, redesigning, and transforming organizations. Some of the frameworks such as the Design Framework for Organization Architects™ emerged from practice and later tested and refined. Others emerged from research and further developed in practice such as the CEO research that led to the Leadership Framework for Organization Architects™. These two award-winning, Read More …

The Purpose For The Parade of Technology Novelty

Kevin Kelly helped launch Wired magazine and was its executive editor for its first seven years. He has written for seemingly every publication  and  his previous books include Out of Control, New Rules for the New Economy, Cool Tools, and What Technology Wants. His present position is described as the Senior Maverick at Wired,. Kevin can now add being a guest on Read More …