Display your Lean Six Sigma Storyboard

WCBF will be approving a limited number of Storyboard/Poster presentations for display at WCBF’s 4th Annual Global Lean, Six Sigma and Business Improvement Summit, taking place at the Swan and Dolphin Resort, Walt Disney World, Orlando , October 14-15 2009. Presenters will need to be available to discuss their storyboards on both days of the Read More …

Six Sigma Marketing

Six Sigma Marketing  Overview In today’s business world, both large and small companies are trying to find solutions to be more cost effective, more efficient, and more innovating. One such solution is using a Lean Six Sigma Marketing. Let’s first look at what is the traditional approach to Lean Six Sigma, which would be the following Read More …

Twitter, the Lean Six Sigma Way of Communicating

Is Twitter a waste of time? It can be without using the correct tools and measuring your effectiveness. But the benefits of using Twitter are just too great to ignore. Lean Six Sigma Marketers should start utilizing the tactics Twitter permits: Refined searches Immediate feedback on issues and problems Instantaneous Communication Data Accumulation Hundreds of Read More …

Lean Six Sigma will increase effectiveness of Stimulus spending

Ron Wince, CEO of Guidon Performance Solutions discusses effectiveness of Stimulus spending. Ron stated on his blog: In a recent interview on Fox Business channel, I had the opportunity to discus how effectively the stimulus funds are being deployed. The discussion focused on how federal and state agencies now are not prepared for the challenges Read More …

Lean Six Sigma Storyboard

A Storyboard provides a quick, visual summary of a team’s work. They are very well suited as presentation materials to highlight the work of the project, the improvements made and for executive overviews. I recommend having a storyboard created before closing the project. The mindmap below is a simple outline of a storyboard. Depending on Read More …

Completes Black Belt Training for Lean Six Sigma

I recently received my Black Belt after completing a 140-hour extensive Lean Six Sigma training program. Six Sigma is an integrated, disciplined proven approach for improving business performance. The training was through Six Sigma.us a leading consulting and certification firm supporting companies implementing the Six Sigma Process. The Lean Six Sigma Training addressed understanding the Read More …