Can Things Be This simple – 4 Steps

If we go back the Charles Allen, 4-Step Process, through Shewart’s PDCA Cycle (later referred to as the Deming Cycle), we discovered a simple process for learning. In the middle of this Training within Industry, TWI, was founded.   This is not rocket science. It is not new. It is simply a proven method that Read More …

How to Apply the 7 Kata

The book, The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training, was published in 2012 and authored by Pat Boutier and Conrad Soltero. It received the Shingo Award for Research and Professional Publications from the Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence. It discusses the blend of Training within Industry (TWI) with Kata in a very unique way. The Read More …

Can Arguments Help in Collaboration?

Joe:   Can argument mapping help in collaboration? Timo:   Yes, a lot of us are working — as teacher’s we are working with groups of students, and they built together some argument around an issue. Argument mapping does when you present it with a beamer on a screen or something like that, it makes it possible Read More …

30% Time Wasted Looking for Data, 50% Success Rate Finding It

A fact that Kim Robertson , the author of over 100 discipline specific training packages, 3 fiction books and articles for CM Trends and various other trade publications from industrial arts to Configuration Management, stated in a recent podcast. His latest collaboration Configuration Management: Theory, Practice, and Application is Excerpt from the Podcast: Joe:   One Read More …

What is the 7 Kata?

The book, The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training, was published in 2012 and authored by Pat Boutier and Conrad Soltero. It received the Shingo Award for Research and Professional Publications from the Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence. It discusses the blend of Training within Industry (TWI) with Kata in a very unique way. The Read More …

Using the Coaching Kata in Sales?

We over complicate most things, and when I think about Sales and Marketing, they certainly have their share of complications. I was reminded of how tough we seem to make things while reviewing Mike Rother’s Toyota Kata Website. It really can be rather simple. Kata seems to be the hot topic in Lean right now, Read More …