How Agile is Your Resource and Capacity Planning

I asked Jerry Manas, author of The Resource Management and Capacity Planning Handbook: A Guide to Maximizing the Value of Your Limited People Resources, that question in a recent podcast. The podcast and entire transcription can be found at Resource & Capacity Planning. An excerpt from the podcast: Joe:   Resource capacity and planning seems kind of Read More …

Drowning in Work?

Jim Benson’s new work, Why Limit WIP: We are Drowning in Work (MemeMachine Series) (Volume 2), was at the center of our conversation in this podcast. Jim’s company Modus Cooperandi combines Lean principles with Agile methodologies from software design, and the communications revolutions of social media, as a process and tool infrastructure. Jim is best Read More …

Can’t solve A Problem Without A Well Rounded Idea Of The Problem

Jim Benson is best known for his seminal work, Personal Kanban.  Our conversation tomorrow centers on his new work, Why Limit WIP: We are Drowning in Work (MemeMachine Series) (Volume 2). This is an excerpt from one of my favorite podcast (Related Podcast and Transcription:  Quality & Collaboration = Quallaboration An excerpt from the past podcast: Read More …

The Mysterious Q word

Qi…. It’s a word and a concept you may have already heard of – but maybe you don’t know much about it. What is Qi, really? Well – it’s a unique form of energy secretly hidden away within your body.  Let us introduce you to Gong. Combined, the word Qi Gong translates to ‘Life Energy Read More …

Is this the Future of Meditation?

Do you meditate? Or are you at least curious about how this ancient practice can help you? Yes? Well we have a gift you’re going to love from our friends at Mindvalley – one of the world’s biggest online personal growth publishers.  It’s a free meditation audio. But with a difference. Because you’ve NEVER heard Read More …

Should Agile be used as Your Portfolio Manager?

A part 2 of yesterday’s blog postbased on this related podcast and transcription: Leffingwell on the Lean Agile Train. Dean Leffingwell is a consultant, entrepreneur, software executive and technical author who provides product strategy, business advisory services and enterprise-level agility coaching to large software enterprises. An excerpt from the podcast: Joe: When we go into Read More …