Sales Strategy and Execution

Dave Brock (Partners in Excellence) is recognized as a thought leader, sales and marketing, new product introductions, and strategic partnering. Dave speaks frequently on a wide range of business, sales, leadership, and related topics.  He has addressed audiences in more than 40 countries around the globe.  He is featured in many leading publications, including Selling Power, CEO Express, ThinkSales, Read More …

A Sales Conversation with Bob Apollo

Bob Apollo is the founder and principal consultant behind Inflexion-Point Strategy Partners, one of the UK’s leading B2B sales and marketing performance improvement specialists. Bob works with promising early stage companies to help them “Cross the Chasm” from early adopters to mainstream markets, and with established organizations to refocus their sales and marketing activities and Read More …

Introduction to We-Commerce

Billee Howard is a 20-year creative professional dedicated to studying the rising intersection of culture and commerce and identifying the issues and trends that are defining our future in the new era of engagement. In her new book, We-Commerce: How to Create, Collaborate, and Succeed in the Sharing Economy, Billee lays out a road map to Read More …

A Collection of Leadership Stacks

This is a collection of Business901 Podcast Transcriptions, called Stacks (see below) through my Issuu channel: Leadership Stacks are a new way to organize your own publications, as well as any other publications that you find interesting. For your own publications, after you are done publishing them, Stacks are an easy way for readers to Read More …