Lean Thinking In Service

Drew Locher is currently Managing Director for Change Management Associates. CMA provides Lean Enterprise Consulting and Organizational Development services to industrial and service organizations. In 2004, Drew co-authored a book titled, “The Complete Lean Enterprise: Value Stream Mapping for Administrative and Office Processes ”. In 2008, he published a book titled, “Value Stream Mapping for Read More …

Lean 3P Design Process

Allan R Coletta is a chemical engineer with an extensive background in manufacturing operations, supply chain and engineering, gained while working in the chemical process and healthcare diagnostics industries. He authored the book “The Lean 3P Advantage.”   (CRC Press, 2012)  Download PDF Transcript of Podcast Related Podcast: Lean 3P is PDCA on Steroids Note: This Read More …

Value Stream Mapping with Jim Luckman

Jim Luckman has had the unique experience of leading three separate lean transformations, as a Plant Manager, as a Director of a Research and Development Center, and as a CEO of a small start-up company. During the podcast, we discussed Value Stream Mapping and delved into Value Stream Concepts as they applied to Lean and Read More …

Leaders Get Hired to Grow Revenue

An excerpt from the book, CAP-Do: We now live in a world of excess supply and Leaders get hired to grow revenue. For the past 20 years, Lean has been sold from a perspective that faster, better, cheaper wins in the marketplace. It puts a high degree of value product/goods dominant logic (GD-Logic) thinking. Lean Read More …

Control Points

Jamie Flinchbaugh is a co-founder and partner of the Lean Learning Center in Novi, Mich., and brings successful and varied experiences of Lean transformation as a leader, practitioner and facilitator.  Under Jamie’s leadership, the Lean Learning Center has become in just four years one of the most recognized and premier Lean providers in the world.  Read More …