Can Entrepreneurship be taught?

Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup author Bill Aulet said this in an upcoming Business901 Podcast: Bill: There is an enormous need for this. We’re already into, you know Joe, this is two weeks out and we’re going into our second printing. I have been blown away by the demand for this. I Read More …

Putting the OODA Loop in a Lean Perspective

A Lean Sales Method There has been a resurgence or maybe recognition of the use of the OODA Loop as a basis for much of the current ideas surrounding Iterations, Rapid Development Cycles and Decision Making. What makes the OODA Loop such a popular subject? When we first think of the OODA Loop, we think Read More …

A Broadening Perspective of Strength Based Principles

I have always viewed Lean as a knowledge building exercise versus one of a problem solving method. I believe that is what has attracted to me via Appreciative Inquiry to the Strength-Based approach. It was what I was doing with better definition. I could be wrong in this statement, but I find European "Lean" more Read More …

No one is as Smart as all of Us

The ASQ Charlotte Section Annual Conference 2013, Quality Conference of the Carolinas will focus on Leadership Development with three different tracks. Attendees will have the opportunity to choose between three different tracks; Problem Solving Leadership, Strength-Based Organizational Change and The Cultural Shift in Healthcare. The Strength-Based Organizational Change session is being hosted by Bob Petruska, Read More …

Tales of Continuous Improvment

Beyond Agile co-author Maritza van den Heuvel was my guest on the podcast, .Should your Processes be cast in Stone.  Below is a transcription of the podcast. Beyond Agile examines 10 companies, mostly in the tech world, but also in innovative automotive and business consulting, that have actively evolved their processes. Using tools from Lean, Read More …