Sales and Marketing are not Product Development or Innovation

I find it interesting to watch as people try to take their product development skills and innovation tactics and apply them to Sales and Marketing. I will admit there are a “few” similarities but what works for development and innovation does not necessarily work for established brands.  Even when you go to market with new Read More …

Culture Change, What we want is ROI

A lot of mutual trust and respect, and that faith has to develop over a period of time. We have to prove that the system is going to yield the kind of culture change results that we’re looking for. You don’t have too many CEOs that are out there looking for culture change. – David Read More …

Should Capabilities drive Innovation?

Most of us agree with a statement like this: Innovating in services is the escape route from the commodity trap and a solution for growth, giving firms a significant competitive advantage. As they innovate into the future, companies must think beyond their products and move outside their own four walls to innovate. –says Henry Chesbrough’s, Read More …

Operational Excellence Summit Info and an excerpt on Developing Community

Few people will discuss their failures and I compliment David Adams (@commanderadams) for being so open during his upcoming podcast when I ask him about his failures and successes on developing a community. The podcast will not post next week but the following week of October 15th. However, I want to share the information about Read More …

The Lean Innovation Engine–Turn the Key

From Tina Seelig’s book inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity: Below is the fully functional Innovation Engine, showing how all the parts are braided together. The inside of the engine is intertwined with the outside; and the factors on the inside and outside mirror each other. All the parts of your Innovation Engine are inexorably Read More …

What do you see in a Gemba Walk

Gemba Walks are an integral part of any Service Design process. Way too often we operate in a vacuum and rely on Voice of Customer and Voice of Market Data to govern the services and markets we create. Steve Blank uses the term and encourages entrepreneurs “To get out of the Office” and in Lean Read More …