Spontaneous Marks help you think – Doodling

A doodle is an unfocused drawing made while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes. Stereotypical examples of doodling are found in school notebooks, often in the margins, drawn by students daydreaming or losing interest during class. Other common examples Read More …

Five Secrets of Finding Clients

Why is it that some consultants, coaches, and other independent professionals have all the business they need, while others struggle by with only a few clients? Is there a hidden secret no one is telling you? The answer may be simpler than you think. In this special report, you will discover three things you may Read More …

Get Clients NOW! Answer Center

New in the Get Clients NOW!TM Answer Center Here are this month’s new additions to the Answer Center. (You need a password to log in.) How to Network at Professional Associations – Article by Donna Feldman An often overlooked place to network and find referral partners is professional associations. These associations serve people working in Read More …

Get Clients NOW! Special Offer

On October 10th, I will be starting my rendition of the Get Clients NOW!TM -28 Day program. This started as a basic referral, networking type program and with the influence of Social Media, I had introduced a special session on how use social media to extend the conversation. My Achieving Expert Status and Marketing your Read More …

Systems2win will exhibit at the Dallas AME Conference

Systems2win will exhibit at the AME, Association of Manufacturing Excellence, Dallas 2011 International Lean conference to be held October 24-28, 2011. Systems2win is a supplier of Lean and Six Sigma software tools and will be highlighting their Value Stream Mapping, A3 Management tools and their Standard Work template. Dean Ziegler, founder and owner of Systems2win Read More …

Shalloway on Teamwork in Kanban, part 3 of 3

Alan is an industry thought leader in Lean, Kanban, product portfolio management, Scrum and agile design. He helps companies transition to Lean and Agile methods enterprise-wide as well teaches courses in these areas. He is the founder and CEO of Net Objectives and also can be found on twitter @alshalloway. Alan is the primary author Read More …