Organizing, Segmenting, and Clustering Indifferent Customers

Maybe you have some customers that have purchased but are not sold on your product; some of these customers even could perhaps be customers that are fence about deciding whether or not to buy your product. Find these customers and discover what they want, and you’ll gain a new perspective on your business, marketing efforts, Read More …

How the Metaverse will Change Marketing Research Methods

As the Metaverse increasingly becomes a reality, marketing research methods must change to keep up. The Metaverse is a virtual world that allows users to interact with each other and with digital content realistically. This new environment will provide brands with new opportunities to collect data and connect with consumers. In the past, marketing research Read More …

How Do You Convert a Customer’s Perception of Value into a Price

Value is the most important factor in any sale. Customers who perceive your product as valuable are much more likely to buy it, regardless of the price. Conversely, if a customer does not perceive your product as valuable, they will not buy it, no matter how cheap. So, how do you convert a customer’s perception Read More …

Customer Value is a Two-Fold Process

In today’s business environment, it is more important than ever to create value for the customer and create valuable customers for the organization. Creating value for the customer means understanding what the customer wants and needs and delivering products or services that exceed those expectations. It also means developing a relationship of trust and respect Read More …

The Power of Positioning: Why It Matters for Businesses

In business, the term “positioning” refers to creating a unique and differentiated image for a product or company in the minds of target consumers. Positioning is often one of the most important elements of a company’s marketing strategy. It can shape consumer perceptions in a way favorable to the company’s goals and objectives. There are Read More …

What is My Customer’s North Star?

You should always ask yourself, “What is my customer’s North Star?” and “What trends are happening in my customer’s industry that I should be aware of?” Your customer’s North Star is what your customer is striving for, and their trends are the things happening in their industry that will help them get there. Knowing your Read More …