What is My Customer’s North Star?

You should always ask yourself, “What is my customer’s North Star?” and “What trends are happening in my customer’s industry that I should be aware of?” Your customer’s North Star is what your customer is striving for, and their trends are the things happening in their industry that will help them get there. Knowing your Read More …

Example of Action Learning in Market Research

Action learning can be used in market research to help identify opportunities and optimize strategies. It can help market researchers produce new ideas and insights by bringing together a group of experts to brainstorm and share their knowledge. Benefits of using Action Learning: Organizations across the globe are under constant pressure to turn data into Read More …

How A Small Business Mentor Program Can Help

Mentoring For Success: How A Small Business Mentor Program Can Help You Achieve Your Goals A small business mentor (marketing) program is a relationship between a successful business owner and a less experienced entrepreneur. The mentor provides guidance and advice to the mentee, with the goal of helping them achieve their business goals. Mentor programs Read More …

How Most Companies Fall Short Of Understanding What Buyers Value

What Buyers Value: To better understand what buyers value, it is important to know how most companies fall short. Many companies make mistakes, starting with the wrong questions, relying on assumptions, and not taking the time to listen. As a result, they often fail to connect the dots and understand what buyers are looking for. Read More …

Strategic Narratives: Transform Your Approach to Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a major part of any company’s operations. It relates to developing a vision and a plan for the company to achieve its goals and objectives. Strategic planning is not a one-time activity; it should be an ongoing process. Strategic planning involves identifying your target markets, customers, products, services, and competitors. You must also Read More …

The Future of Marketing Campaign Structures

As the landscape of marketing evolves, so too must the way campaigns are structured. The traditional model of a centralized team responsible for all aspects of a campaign is no longer feasible in the current climate. Instead, a more decentralized approach is needed, with smaller teams working on specific elements of the overall campaign. This Read More …