Sales Inquiry Process: A Collaborative Action Cycle

An inquiry-based approach to selling is achieved when salespeople discover through Inquiry. Professional sales and business development strategies focus on communication incorrectly translating into ‘selling.’ Fortunately, there is a more effective selling method: Inquiry, Curiosity, and Agency. Salespeople discover how to create spaces that excite curiosity and encourage critical thinking in customers by leading with Read More …

A Framework for Implementing Action Learning

Action Learning is premised on the belief that learning is not simply a matter of acquiring new skills or knowledge through reading or listening to lectures. Instead, it is about doing something differently, applying and using new skills or knowledge, or thinking differently. In other words, it is an active, experiential process. Learning is only Read More …

Finding The Right Content Angle for a Sales Inquiry

Designing Sales Inquiries is about creating opportunities for salespeople to work with customers through content in practical ways initiated and sustained by questions, structured through tasks, and enabled with resources. The beginning of the Sales Inquiry starts with finding a content angle as represented in our existing capabilities is a vital first step. We rely Read More …

Managing Customer Value is Two-Fold

This video highlights that managing customer value is twofold; it involves creating value for customers as well as capturing that value. It provides a number of tips for accomplishing these tasks, such as segmenting customers, understanding their needs, and developing a strong value proposition. More conversation about this topic: Create Value for the Customer and Read More …

How Does a Branding Strategy Create Value for Your Brand?

Brand identity is the backbone of any company’s marketing efforts. You know your brand identity should resonate with your target market, making them feel connected and welcome to your company. Your brand identity should also be unique and different from what other companies in your industry are doing. The goal of a branding strategy is Read More …