What can you do with One Page?

There are a lot of gadgets out there claiming to be able to make things easy for you and many think of the The One Page Business Plan as one of them. But it has been a shame because I feel quite of bit of effort has been used in convincing people that the OPBP Read More …

What do you know about your competitor?

Do you know your competition? How well? Remember, the old adage be close to your friends but keep your enemies closer. But my main point to this is, do your homework. Lack of preparation is for amateurs. Ask your self these questions: Identify your major competition on both a regional and North American basis. Explain Read More …

8 Questions You Must Ask

8 Questions You Must Ask Welcome to this week’s business insight by Shep Hyken. This week’s insight is titled: Know Your Customers It is very important to know what your customers want, expect and think of you. (This goes for your internal customers as well.) So how do you get to know your customers? There Read More …

Can a Nonprofit make your community stronger?

Recently I had Big Brothers Big Sister of Northeast Indiana on my TV Show, Connecting Your Passion and a very interesting question was raised. How does a community benefit from a Nonprofit? Listen to this perspective. I thought this post was worth duplicating on this blog.   Technorati Tags: Big Brothers Big Sisters,Fort Wayne nonprofit,Northeastern Read More …

Getting Your Budget Back on Track

Ever have a p roject over budget? Even if you monitor costs regularly, you may not always know if you are trending over your budget. First of all, you rarely spend money at a constant rate. So, you need to understand what you expected to spend during the period, as well as what  you actually Read More …