Will Video Games be the Segue into the Metaverse?

Video games are the bridge to massive new audiences, which will help adoption once people are more familiar with the concepts of digital ownership. Demonstrating how video games utilize the following three areas, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and NFTs, can enlighten us on the many uses possible once people have a better understanding of these Read More …

Getting Started with NFTs

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a digital asset similar to a cryptocurrency.  However, non-fungible refers to the uniqueness of the asset.  Some assets are unique and have their value in the real world, such as real estate, fine art, or even baseball cards.  These are non-fungible assets, and on a blockchain, they are represented Read More …

Four Ways to use the Blockchain as a Small Business

As small businesses look for ways to be more efficient and serve customers better, Blockchain can be a valuable tool for conducting transactions and raising capital. While many small businesses might think that such advanced technologies would only be accessible to large companies, Blockchain allows them to level the playing field and compete with larger Read More …

How Can Your Business Start Utilizing the Metaverse?

Introduction to the Metaverse: The Metaverse is a digital representation of the real world that enables people and businesses to interact with each other in new ways. It can potentially change the way companies operate by providing a new way to connect with customers and partners. For example, a business could create a virtual representation Read More …

The Three Key Aspects of the Metaverse

  Three key aspects: Standardization, Presence, and Interoperability Standardization refers to making something adhere to a set of agreed-upon rules or criteria. In the context of the Metaverse, standardization is key to ensuring that the various virtual worlds and simulations that make up the Metaverse can work together seamlessly. Without standardization, the Metaverse would be a fragmented Read More …

Story Dialoguing your Sales Pitch

There have been countless books written on the power of storytelling and why that is needed. We have learned that From the beginning of time that this was how we transferred information and wisdom Stories help us capture and remember concepts. All humans are wired to communicate best through stories However, does any organization practice storytelling. Read More …